Monday, April 14, 2014

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because I am in Muncie, Indiana. And animals are everywhere. A chicken crossed the road the other day and we about died laughing!

So this week! I went on my first exchange! With Sister Denison. Who has been out for about 10 months and she taught me so much. She is amazing and we did a ton of finding because it was really nice day outside so there were a lot of people outside! Sunshine is always helpful in finding. And finding was a part of missionary work that I was feeling like I was not very good in, so that was a good experience to help with that.

I also went to Pizza King for the first time! It is an Indiana specialty. It was a mix between a pizza place and one man band. Because you call in your order, but for pizza instead of breakfast food. Calling in orders is always fun (:

So we have a baptism this weekend! D is getting baptized! He is amazing. Although I have only been here two weeks, I have learned so much about faith and true conversion through working with D. I love him so much and he is the sweetest old man. 

My quick spiritual thought for the week because I am almost out of time is one I got from a specialized training we had on Wednesday with some of the zones that are around our area. 

We have constructed 142 spiritual houses for our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. But our bodies are constructed spiritual houses for the Holy Ghost. The third member of the Godhead can reside inside of us. 
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

As Easter is this weekend, I just want you to know that I know the Savior lives. That because He was resurrected, I can live with my Heavenly Father again someday. I know that every day I am out here serving, He lifts me and helps me to become someone I was not before. I can't do this on my own. But with Him I can work miracles and bless lives. As I trust in Him I can find His will for me in each day I am here. I know that He knows me by name and that He loves me so much more than I can comprehend.

I love you all and thank you for supporting me as I serve.

Sister Brown

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